Jobs For Medievalists

The Society for Classical Studies is pleased to announce that the deadline for this year’s TLL Fellowship is approaching on October 31st. This fellowship, generously funded by the NEH, provides a $60,000 stipend for one year at the Thesausus Linguae Latinae Institute in Munich.

TLL Fellows develop a broadened perspective of the range and complexity of the Latin language and culture from the classical period through the early Middle Ages, contribute signed articles to the Thesaurus, have the opportunity to participate in a collaborative international research project in a collegial environment, and work with senior scholars in the field of Latin lexicography.

The fellowship is open to US citizens and permanent residents who have completed the PhD. It is an excellent opportunity for early-career scholars, including contingent faculty.

Full application guidelines are available at

Please note that applicants must have completed all PhD requirements at the time of application.

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