Cod. Pal. germ. 848, Große Heidelberger Liederhandschrift (Codex Manesse), Zürich, c.1300-c.1340, fol. 82v.
At the Fellows Business Meeting at the 2012 Annual Meeting in St. Louis, on the recommendation of the Fellows Nominating Committee, the Fellows assembled voted to move the deadline for nominations to 15 October to give the committee additional time to compile the candidates’ dossiers for any additional nominations.
Thanks to the generous decision of several Fellows to take emerita/emeritus status, as of this date there are seven openings for new Fellows, for which we would need to receive at least fourteen nominations.
We gratefully acknowledge the generous gesture of these emeritae and emeriti Fellows:
Michel Huglo, University of Maryland
Suzanne Lewis, Stanford University
James J. Murphy, University of California, Davis
Florence H. Ridley, University of California, Los Angeles
Brian Tierney, Cornell University
A.G. Rigg, University of Toronto
John Williams, University of Pittsburgh.