MAA News – Annual Meeting Student Bursaries Awarded

We are very pleased to support these emerging scholars are they present their work at the 2020 Annual Meeting:

Best Student Paper:
Christopher Halsted (Univ. of Virginia), “Wounds Before Milk: Gender and Steppe Ethnography in Post-Carolingian Europe” (Session IV.9)

Travel Bursaries:
Mary Gilbert (Indiana University, Bloomington), “Multilingual Poets? Explaining Old English ‘Influence’ in the Old Icelandic Poem Vǫlundarkviða” (Session I.2)

Austin Powell (The Catholic Univ. of America), “‘In these pages you should examine well and diligently the points which you will see I made throughout’: Spiritual Direction in the Margins of Fifteenth-Century Italian Manuscripts” (Session II.8)

Eileen Morgan (Univ. of Notre Dame), “Comme s’il estoit vif: Peacocks, Natural Philosophy and the Edible Art of Altering Nature” (Session VII.3)

Andrea Pauw (Univ. of Virginia), “Prophetic Paragons in a ‘World of Others’ Words'” (Session VI.2)

Amy Conwell (Centre for Medieval Studies, Univ. of Toronto), “Pathogenesis of a ‘Posteme’: The Development of ‘Madness’ in Middle English Medical Texts” (Session V.10)

The bursaries were adjudicated by the Committee for Professional Development and will be presented during the Business Meeting on Friday 27 March at 12:45 PM.

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