The Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) has just awarded a $100,000 National Leadership in Libraries grant to Digital Scriptorium to plan a technical redesign of the Digital Scriptorium data model. The one-year planning process will be spearheaded by Lynn Ransom (Univ. of Pennsylvania) and DS Director Debra Cashion (St. Louis Univ.).
The following MAA members have recently been awarded grants from the National Endowment for the Humanities:
Institutes for College and University Teachers: Jana Schulman (Western Michigan University), “Law and Culture in Medieval England,” a four-week institute for 25 higher education faculty on law in medieval England as represented in legal, literary, and historical texts.
Scholarly Editions and Translations: Clara Pascual-Argente (Rhodes College), “The Story of Apollonius of Tyre: An Edition and Translation of Two Medieval Iberian Texts,” a critical edition and translation of two medieval Iberian texts: the thirteenth-century verse romance Libro de Apolonio (Book of Apollonius), and Vida e historia del rey Apolonio (Life and Story of King Apollonius), the latter printed in 1488 and illustrated with 35 German woodcuts.
If you have good news to share, please send it to Executive Director Lisa Fagin Davis (