MAA News – MAA@Kzoo

As ever, the Medieval Academy will have a strong presence at the International Congress on Medieval Studies at Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo. We hope you will join us for these sessions and special events:

1) The Friday morning plenary, sponsored by the Academy, will be delivered by Carissa Harris (Temple University), “Medieval Reproductive Justice” (8:30 AM, Sangren 1910). Two related sessions organized by Prof. Harris will take place on Thursday at 3:30 PM (Session 118, Sangren Hall 1910, “Managing Reproduction in the Middle Ages”) and Friday at 10 AM (Session 175, Sangren Hall 1910, “Medieval Reproductive Justice (A Roundtable)).”

2) The Graduate Student Committee workshop, “Open-Source Medieval Studies: Digital Tools and Tricks for Graduate Student Research,” led by Benjamin Albritton, will take place on Thursday at 1:30 PM (Session 63, Sangren Hall 2110). A second GSC Roundtable will take place on Friday at 3:30 PM (Session 288, Sangren Hall 2710 (hybrid), “Publishing as a Graduate Student”). Finally, please join the Graduate Student Committee for their annual ICMS Mixer on Thursday evening from 6-7 PM in the Social Room at Kanley Chapel.

3) The Committee on Centers and Regional Associations (CARA) Roundtable, “Building and Growing Medieval Studies: Creating Communities of Passion Beyond,” will take place on Saturday at 3:30 PM (Session 470, Waldo Library 3077). Due to the new footprint and schedule for the ICMS this year, we will not be hosting a CARA luncheon. We hope to revive that tradition next year.

4) Finally, we invite you to visit our staffed table in the exhibit hall on Thursday or Friday to introduce yourself, transact any Medieval Academy business you may have, or pick up some chocolate to keep you going during those long afternoon sessions. As in the past, we will be giving away fifty free one-year memberships to new members, so spread the word!

See you at the ‘Zoo!

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