Printer, from Jost Amman and Hans Sachs, Das Ständebuch. Frankfurt am Main 1568.
We have revamped our publications page to enable members and visitors to easily see which of the more than 150 books published by the Academy are available for purchase and in what format(s):
– Forty volumes are available as print-on-demand books at Amazon.com;
– Three dozen volumes are available as freely accessible PDF and/or HTML files on the Medieval Academy website;
– Twenty-seven volumes will be or are already available as eBooks through the American Council of Learned Society’s Humanities eBook Library (click here to subscribe).
We plan to systematically add to all of these offerings in the future. For those of you who prefer your books in codex format, some of the Academy’s most recent publications can be purchased through our publishing partner, University of Toronto Press, and fifty-one out-of-print volumes are available for sale at the Academy office (at a 20% discount for members).
The entire library of Medieval Academy Books and Speculum Anniversary Monographs is listed here. Next to each title are links that will lead you to each of the various formats in which the book can be accessed or purchased.
Nearly all of the Medieval Academy Reprints for Teaching volumes continue to be available through University of Toronto Press and may be found here.