2022 CARA Meeting Update

2022 Annual CARA Meeting update

Since 2014, the MAA Committee on Centers and Regional Associations (CARA) has held its annual meeting in conjunction with that of the Medieval Academy. This year, however, constraints occasioned by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic have greatly limited the number of individuals allowed to attend the MAA meeting in Charlottesville. In light of these circumstances, we have made the difficult decision to postpone CARA’s 2022 meeting. CARA aspires to be a transparent and inclusive organization, encouraging open engagement with and between its diverse constituents. It would be counterproductive, therefore, to move ahead with a meeting marked by greatly reduced attendance and, as a result, greatly reduced possibilities for productive dialogue. We are pleased to announce, however, that the Medieval Academy has agreed to host a fully-virtual CARA meeting in the near future, one that will allow all of our members to participate in setting CARA’s, and Medieval Studies’, path forward for the coming years. I will share the date, program, and registration information for this meeting in the coming weeks.

In the meantime, I and the CARA Executive Committee thank you for your continued support of our mission. I also encourage everyone at this year’s Medieval Academy meeting, whether in person or virtually, to attend the exciting CARA Plenary Panel “Medievalisms and Medieval Studies Today” on Friday 11 March (1015-1130 EST), chaired by Justine Andrews (University of New Mexico) and featuring contributions by Sierra Lomuto (Rowan University), Kavita Mudan Finn (MIT), David Maldonado-Rivera (Kenyon College), and Matthew Vernon (University of California Davis). We look forward to seeing you there!

Sean Gilsdorf
Chair, MAA Committee on Centers and Regional Associations (CARA)

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