Call for Papers – 34th Annual Conference of the Center for Medieval Studies

Proposals for papers are being accepted for the 34th Annual Conference of the Center for Medieval Studies, Fordham University, on the topic “The French of Outremer: Communities and Communications in the Crusading Mediterranean,” and to be held at the Lincoln Center Campus, Saturday, March 29, 2014

Plenary Speakers include Peter Edbury, Cardiff University; Laura Minervini, University of Naples
With the participation of Suzanne Conklin Akbari, Marilynn Desmond, Laura Morreale,
Nicolas Paul, Teresa Shawcross, Alan Stahl, Suzanne Yeager

We welcome papers that address any of the following questions, and encourage papers on related topics:

• Differences between the real and the imagined Outremer
• The cultural identities of communities in the Latin East, and the mechanisms that perpetuated or contravened these identities
• Ties developed with the West through crusading, pilgrimage, and merchant activities, and their contribution to the “French” quality of these communities
• Single texts or textual traditions that originated  or were preserved in the lands of Outremer
• French-language translations in the Latin East
• The role of Outremer in the diversification of French-language genres or French-
inspired cultural products (art, architecture, legal and  intellectual concepts, sacred or urban spaces)
• The place of Outremer within a Francophone medieval world

Please submit an abstract and cover letter with contact information by September 30, 2013 to Center for Medieval Studies, FMH 405b, Bronx, NY 10458, by e-mail to, or by fax to 718.817.3987.
The Conference Site is:

For website submission guidelines, see

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