Conferences – Voice and Voicelessness in Medieval Europe and Beyond

Voice and Voicelessness in Medieval Europe and Beyond
An interdisciplinary conference in medieval studies
28 February & 1 March 2013
Boston University, 725 Commonwealth Avenue, Room 200

This 2-day international conference brings together scholars in literature, theology, law, art history, history, and musicology, to examine the practices and values attached to the human voice in medieval cultures. The topic of voice and voicelessness engages with issues of law and representation; theology and embodiment; historicist models of subjectivity; the poetics and esthetics of marginality; and the linguistic dynamics of intercultural encounter.  The conference seeks a common ground for interdisciplinary dialogue by examining how distinct areas of scholarly endeavor approach a problem of universal resonance but elusive definition.  To support the project’s commitment to fostering dialogue, paper abstracts and selected passages from works to be discussed will be available online shortly in advance of the conference event.

For the complete program, see
This event is free and open to the public. For more information, please contact

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