MAA News – 2024 CARA Annual Meeting

The Committee on Centers and Regional Associations (CARA) invites you to the annual CARA Meeting on Sunday, 17 March 2024, after the conclusion of the MAA Annual Meeting at the University of Notre Dame: Sunday, 17 March 2024, 8:30 AM – 12:30 PM (breakfast and lunch included), The University of Notre Dame, Private Dining Room, Morris Inn.

*What’s In a Name? Advantages and Challenges of the ‘Medieval’ Today*

The word “medieval” has a variety of meanings and implications in academic as well as popular discourse. How does using this rubric for the object of your teaching and research help or hinder you in appealing to students, engaging with colleagues, or gaining institutional support for your work? What are the implications of interpreting non-European societies as “medieval” (as “global Medieval Studies” implies)? If terms like “medieval” or “Medieval Studies” are problematic, then what alternatives might there be—and what shortcomings might they have? This year’s CARA meeting invites colleagues engaging with these questions to explore how we define ourselves and our field, and discuss the value as well as the difficulties of “the medieval” and “the Middle Ages” today.

Click here for the full program.

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